
My first year in Sweden

Today November 4th, I've exactly been worked in Sweden for one year.

My first year in Sweden

Today November 4th, I’ve exactly been worked in Sweden for one year.


On this day

As if it’s a dream for me who never go outside motherland before and had struggled to find a new job abroad. But it happened.

I got an opportunity to work here by the current company, Telescope services. Now I’m working as an outsource for IKEA Sweden.

I had a very first footstep in Sweden on this day. When I stepped out of the train from Copenhagen after a 16-hour flight, it was a super cold night for me who has been living close to the equator since born.

My biggest journey rang the curtain up then.

Life-long learning

To live here isn’t that hard. I can say the quality of life is better than imagined. Yet there are things to learn so many in numbers. What to eat, where to go, how to buy, what to do in free time, these seem quests I’m experiencing every day every week. I feel it’s a good adventure.


Work-life balance

Such a cliche phrase but I actually feel it. Quite confident to claim my working life as an engineer here is great in many aspects, similar to Thailand.

Studying Swedish

Most Swedish people are able to speak English. I found I need to learn Swedish for some situations such as contacting government or talking with someone who can’t speak English. The latter has come to me a couple of times so far.

Sweden provides a free Sweden course called “SFI” (Svenska För Invandrare - Swedish For Immigrants). What to do is just registering in the city’s website (it’s in my case) and go to menu SFI then follow the steps.

It’d be 3 months in total for my class now I guess. I chose evening plan which I have to go to classroom for 2:30 hours on Monday and Wednesday after work. So much knowledge and I practice with Duolingo app at the same time.

At least I can talk with Swedish colleagues using simple sentences. I’m glad with that :)


Open eyes at places

I’m not an itchy feet guy so I travel not so often. However I’m here and I don’t want to miss a chance. In the past I went see places with my colleagues and my parent company with their trips.

Lately I rent a bike and cycling around the town. I’m impressed with how easy and secure I can go anywhere by bike and paying just 250 kroner a year. However, not this season that winter is coming.



One of the most is the cold strong wind. From living in hot country then doing so in below than 10 celsius land, that is something I need willpower so much to conquer it.

Another is food. I’m kinda “selective” in eating and I found cooking by myself is a better choice. Going eat outside once in a while is okay because the restaurant price isn’t that cheap.

Next year

I don’t have any plan to move yet. Plus I’m also thinking of new travel plan to close cities.

My life now is quite straight, not a rollercoaster or something along those line, I’m feeling so. For this calm lifestyle, I do like this way.

Hope you guys be happy and let the fortune bring us become good friends one day.

See you again.

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