I switched from VSCode to Neovim
It's been more than 3 months that I have changed my IDE from VSCode to Neovim.
It’s been more than 3 months that I have changed my IDE from VSCode to Neovim or “Nvim” in short.
Not only Nvim but also TMUX, Kitty and few other apps as a new environment for my coding.
Why I move to nvim
I had been using VSCode for more than 4 years. A lot of customization, themes, plugins, configs, etc. I made for VSCode. However the biggest point is I have to swipe my hand and fingers so often. I prefer shortcuts and typing on keyboard rather than clicking with mouse and trackpad. plus I feel my VSCode is too bulky.
One day I got youtube recommendation about Nvim. I tried and adjusted my coding style for several weeks. Tweak it until I kinda satisfied in the version (of course I don’t stop here). And boom I got mine eventually and I don’t think I would go back to VSCode, at least recently.
Pros & Cons
There are plenty of forums and blogs mentioning Nvim pros & cons. But in my perspective, Nvim allows me to custom every parts I like and I want. And I see Nvim like a terminal-based IDE, not IDE with integrated terminal like VSCode.
As I work with terminal a lot, so I prefer to use Nvim as a main IDE. And I also install TMUX, the terminal multiplexer, that I can switch to other workspaces without moving to other windows.
However, it takes time as a learning curve. I need to remember all of keyboard shortcuts plus my own customed shortcuts too. But when I settled with it, I can navigate so quick into the code stub I want to write.
My dotfiles
Dotfiles is a collection of configuration files. My dotfiles is here.