Let's try: Git
Git is a repository for our precious source code. It also affords the maintenance.
Hi! Hi! All guys~
Previously I talked about Docker for afford us programmers the ready-to-eat environments. This time it’s the turn of source code as we have to write them for tens or hundreds files. Let’s see what can be happened:
- Misunderstanding about requirements and just realize the source code has been writing so far.
- Handling conflicts from multiple programmers in one projects.
- Find out the easiest way to deploy on production servers
- Share our source code as an open-source
- and hundreds reasons
Therefore, we shall go meet Git!
This is Git
Git is a repository for our precious source code. It also affords the maintenance.
This repository is similar to an online shared drive. We can put, update, replace, restore, share, and merge source code with colleagues or even strangers (if we want!)
Its environment can be explained like this:
- working directory
A place of our source code in physical drives - staging
It is a repository (I will call “repo” for short) for verification before submitting to the Git server. - local repo
When we verify ones on staging, we can confirm them to be moved to local repo. This is happened before moving to a real Git server on cloud. - remote repo
The destination of our source code
Begin with Git
1. Git server
We can find free Git server such as
Github A famous Git server. I guess you once heard its name. It's spotlight is a large open-source community. | |
Gitlab Also famous. Gitlab has CI/CD as an out-of-the-box feature so we can do an automation on this. Nah, I have no chance to play around with it. | |
BitBucket I have been using it on my workplace. BitBucket is under Atlassian and completely integrated with the sibling products e.g. Jira or Confluence. |
And we have a choice to make our own Git server.
2. Git account
In case we chose one of above 3 choices, we need to register an account.
3. Install Git client
- Windows
download from https://git-scm.com/download/win - Unix
with command yum install git-core or apt install git-core (depends on distro) - OSX
Innate installed with OSX Maverick
For any installation problems, please check this out https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git
4. Make a repo
Repo is like a folder of all source code. For example, I created a repo named “test_git”.
5. Register our machine’s public key to the Git server
Next we need to allow Git server to access files in our machine. Public key is a key to verify it and we are going to register our public key on Git server setting.
5.1 Generate a public key
We can follow this link to generate it: https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucket/set-up-an-ssh-key-728138079.html
5.2 Add our public key
Add our public key (in .pub
file) to SSH key setting page of our Git account.
6. Start syncing
Use git init
and .git
folder will be created. This folder is like records to manage all files between our machine and Git server.
git init
Only files placed inside a folder having
can be detected and moved to Git server.
Add a destination repo to .git
file with this command.
git remote add origin [git_url]
We can find git_url
in the pattern git@github.com:abc/repo.git
as the example figure below (My github repo)
Once we finished command git remote add origin
, our machine is ready.
We command git remote show origin
to ensure everything is ok.
7. Set user’s properties
git config – global user.email "my@email.com"
git config – global user.name "my name"
It takes effects when we upload or commit files into Git and check the history.
8. Initializing files
We use this to download files from Git to the machine.
git clone [git_url] [local_path]
It will copy everything from git_url
into local_path
which is automatically working repo.
9. Move to staging
After initialization, we are ready to copy our files from machine to the remote repo.
First, enter the working repo.
Check the status by typing:
git statush
Below means we have no file to add.
This below show a fresh empty file named test.txt
Next, we move this file to staging:
git add [path_folders_or_files]
See, we got new file: test.txt
In case we don’t want any file on staging, remove them with:
git rm -- cached [path_folders_or_files]
It already moved to untracked files.
But if we want to remove it from both staging and the machine we use this command.
git rm -f [path_folders_or_files]
10. Move to local repo
Let me add test.txt
again and that’s all for staging. We will go to local repo with this command.
git commit -m "description"
At “description”, we can put any text to describe what we do at this time. This helps us recall in the future.
11. Move to remote repo
At the time we commit, the change is in form of a branch. If we confirm to make this change over the remote repo, type this.
git push origin master
Now the current branch (origin by default) are merging with the main folder (master).
12. Check it out on Git server
That’s right! test.txt
that we just commit is showing with the description.
Last but not least
All above are just a beginning. Those are a very simple ability Git can do. We can do more by using full document at https://git-scm.com/docs.
What is next, stay tuned.