Let's try: Jinja2
In this blog, I would love to share some basic writing of the templates using Jinja 2
From the last blog, we know 3 methods to write a string from our own templates.
In this blog, I would love to share some basic writing of the templates using Jinja 2.
We need to have jinja 2 library installed.
And we can begin.
1. Put into a string
Start from writing variables into a Jinja2 template.
to display a single variable.{{<dict>.<field>}}
to display a particular key of a dict.{# <comment> #}
to specify comments.'{{ }}'
to display quotes.
Using this to render a substituted string.
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from jinja2 import Template Template(template).render(data)
2. Add if-else clauses
Jinja2 supports if-else conditions.
{% if <statement> %}
to start{% elif <statement> %}
for else-if{% else %}
for else{% endif %}
to end
Give a data of Alizabeth and see the result.
Error spotted !
Look at the output above. The “woman” appears not in same line.
Below is the fix.
instead of
{% ... %}
, we have a dash inside as it turned out{%- ... %}
. It will remove or trim spaces at the left. Nothing needed to be changed here.
Nice. It displays in a line properly.
3. Add loops
Jinja2 also supports iterations.
{% for <element> in <iterator> %}
to start iteration.{{ <element> }}
or{{ <element>.<key>}}
if dict.{{ ... -}}
to remove spaces at the right by having a right-handed dash.{% else %}
in case of no elements in the iterator.{% endfor %}
to end the iteration.
If we supply data with no
.And if there is
4. Refer other files
We can combine multiple Jinja2 template files as well.
{% include '<filepath>' %}
to refer the target file.
We are using code below or would get an error
TypeError: no loader for this environment specified
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from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader("<folder_path>")).from_string(template).render(data)